Get the help you need as a new executor
If you are left as an executor of an estate, your job is to administer the estate and make sure the distribution of assets goes smoothly. This is not always […]
If you are left as an executor of an estate, your job is to administer the estate and make sure the distribution of assets goes smoothly. This is not always an easy job. You have many things you have to do before you can divide out property to the heirs of the estate.
As the executor of an estate, you are burdened with representing the decedent. That means that you have to keep their wishes in mind while also managing to follow all the rules and regulations pertaining to the estate.
As someone appointed to become an executor, you might have a few questions. Here are some things you may want to know.
You aren’t required to take on the role
The first thing to know is that you aren’t required to be the executor. You can always step down from the position. Most estate plans have at least one backup executor or a probate judge can appoint someone new.
If you do take on executor status, checklists help
The attorney assisting with the estate can help provide you with a checklist to get all the things you need to settle the state in order. You will need several copies of death certificates, and you will also need to locate the will and trust as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask for professional advice; taking the right step toward resolving any issues with the estate makes a huge difference when avoiding conflict.
Our site has more on becoming an executor. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re appointed to this position.
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