Estate planning can entail more than just a will
People in Ohio dealing with end-of-life challenges for a loved one may be brought face-to-face with the complicated realities of estate planning and the consequences that can happen due to […]
People in Ohio dealing with end-of-life challenges for a loved one may be brought face-to-face with the complicated realities of estate planning and the consequences that can happen due to a lack of advance planning. Estate planning can involve more than the creation of a will. There can be a number of documents that are part of a comprehensive plan for health care and other later-in-life needs that can prevent significant problems further down the road.
For example, if someone’s parent is diagnosed with dementia, it is critical for that person to be able to access his or her parent’s accounts in order to pay for his or her care. However, absent a power of attorney or other agreement, the child may not be able to access the account, and the mental state of the parent could render him or her unable to sign an effective document granting permission. Including a power of attorney during estate planning can help someone avoid having to go through difficult guardianship hearings and expensive, lengthy legal work. Including power of attorney documents in the estate planning process can ensure continuity of health care and financial security even when a serious condition, such as dementia, strikes.
While wills and trusts can be the first things that come to mind when someone thinks about estate planning, transfers after death can sometimes be some of the least complicated and contentious processes at the end of life. These documents are unquestionably critical, but other documents, like powers of attorney or health care advance directives, can be just as essential in preserving a person’s rights and interests at the end of his or her life.
An estate planning attorney can work with people of any age to develop a comprehensive set of plans and documents to deal with end-of-life issues. A lawyer can provide advice on necessary documents and create them in order to help people feel confident in their future protection.
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