
Since Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd. was founded in 1993, the firm has grown to become one of the largest estate planning and elder law offices in Ohio. Whatever your business law or estate planning legal problem, you can depend on our team of attorneys.

elderly couple smiling at one another

Estate Planning

The importance of updating your estate planning materials

nurse pushing elderly woman around in wheelchair

Elder Law

Long-term care can have a devastating financial impact

holding hands

Estate Planning

How does a judge decide whether to set up a guardianship?

close-up of gavel on keyboard


How can I avoid probate in Ohio?

elderly couple smiling at one another

Estate Planning

Why you should think about creating a will

close-up of elderly couple smiling and standing in front of residence

Estate Planning

Long-term care planning: Housing options for seniors

close-up of gentleman typing on calculator

Estate Planning

Picking a trustee

close-up of nurse aid smiling with elderly woman

Estate Planning

Have you lost a relative who had no will or trust?

married couple holding hands

LGBTQ+ Issues

Will our LGBTQ+ elders face discrimination in nursing home care?

close-up of elderly couple smiling and standing in front of residence

Estate Planning

Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

We are here to help.

At Solomon, Steiner & Peck, we’re dedicated to your success. Rely on our experienced attorneys to treat you with the same patience, honesty, and respect that we show our own families.

Contact Us